My research interests are in the areas of:
Decision making
Maaravi Y., Ganzach Y., Pazy A., (2011) Negotiation as a form of persuasion: Arguments in first offers. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 101 (2), pp. 245-255.
Maaravi Y., Pazy A., Ganzach Y. (2011) Pay as much as you can afford: Counterpart’s ability to pay and first offers in negotiation. Judgment and Decision Making. 6, pp. 275-282
Maaravi Y., Pazy, A., & Ganzach, Y. (2014). Winning a battle but losing the war: On the drawbacks of using the anchoring tactic in distributive negotiations. Judgment and Decision Making, 9(6), 548-557.
Roizman, M., Hoffman, G., Ayal, S., Hochman, G., Reifen Tagar, M., & Maaravi Y. (2016, March). Studying the Opposing Effects of Robot Presence on Human Corruption. In The Eleventh ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interation (pp. 501-502). IEEE Press.
Maaravi Y. (2017). Running a research marathon. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 1-7.
Maaravi Y., Levy, A. (2017). When your anchor sinks your boat: Information asymmetry in distributive negotiations and the disadvantage of making the first offer. Judgment and Decision Making, 12(5), 420-429.
Levy, A., & Maaravi, Y. (2018). The boomerang effect of psychological interventions. Social Influence, 13(1), 39-51.
Maaravi, Y. (2018). Using hackathons to teach management consulting. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 1-11
Maaravi, Y., Idan, O., & Hochman, G. (2019). And sympathy is what we need my friend—Polite requests improve negotiation results. PloS one, 14(3), e0212306.
Maaravi, Y., & Hameiri, B. (2019). Deep pockets and poor results: The effect of wealth cues on first offers in negotiation. Group Decision and Negotiation, 28(1), 43-62.
Maaravi, Y., & Heller, B. (2020). Not all worries were created equal: the case of COVID-19 anxiety. Public Health, 185, 243-245.
Maaravi, Y., Heller, B., Hochman, G., & Kanat-Maymon, Y. (2020). Internship Not Hardship: What Makes Interns in Startup Companies Satisfied?. Journal of Experiential Education, 1053825920966351.
Maaravi, Y., Heller, B., Shoham, Y., Mohar, S., & Deutsch, B. (2020). Ideation in the digital age: literature review and integrative model for electronic brainstorming. Review of Managerial Science, 1-34.
Maaravi, Y., Heller, B., Amar, S., & Stav, H. (2020). Training techniques for entrepreneurial value creation. Entrepreneurship Education, 1-24.
Maaravi, Y., & Heller, B. (2020). Studying the prominence effect amid the COVID-19 crisis: implications for public health policy decision making. F1000Research, 9(1356), 1356.
Maaravi, Y., Heller, B., Hochman, G., & Kanat-Maymon, Y. (2020). Internship Not Hardship: What Makes Interns in Startup Companies Satisfied?. Journal of Experiential Education.
Maaravi, Y., Hameiri, B., & Gur, T. (2020). Fighting Coronavirus One Personality at a Time: Need for Structure, Trait Victimhood, and Adherence to COVID-19 Health Guidelines. Front. Psychol. 11: 576450.
Maaravi, Y., & Heller, B. (2021). Buyers, Maybe Moving Second Is Not That Bad After All: Low-Power, Anxiety, and Making Inferior First Offers. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
Maaravi, Y., & Heller, B. (2021). Digital Innovation in Times of Crisis: How Mashups Improve Quality of Education. Sustainability, 13(13), 7082.
Maaravi, Y., Levy, A., Gur, T., Confino, D., & Segal, S. (2021). “The tragedy of the commons”: How individualism and collectivism affected the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in public health, 9, 37.
Kanat‐Maymon, Y., Yaakobi, E., & Maaravi, Y. (2021) Organizational support, legitimacy, and workplace outcomes: A mediation model. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology.
Segal, S. & Maaravi, Y. (2021) Policymakers as safe havens: The relationship between adult attachment style, COVID-19 fear, and regulation compliance. Personality and Individual Differences.
Maaravi, Y., Hameiri, B., & Gur, T. (2022). Perceptions of victimhood and entrepreneurial tendencies. Frontiers in Psychology.
Maaravi, Y., & Segal, S. (2022) Crossing the “valley of death” of startup investors’ attention: The importance of investor deck clarity. Academia Letters.
Einav, G., Allen, O., Gur, T., Maaravi, Y., & Ravner, D. (2022). Bursting filter bubbles in a digital age: Opening minds and reducing opinion polarization through digital platforms. Technology in Society, 102136.
Maaravi, Y., & Segal, S. (2022). Reconsider what your MBA negotiation course taught you: The possible adverse effects of high salary requests. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 103803.
Maaravi, Y., Heller, B., & Levy, A. (2023). Low power, first offers, and reservation prices: Weak negotiators are self‐anchored by their own alternatives. Negotiation Journal, 39(1), 7-34.
Maaravi, Y., Hameiri, B., Gur, T., Heller, B., Confino, D., Amdor, H., & Levi, Y. (2023). Journal of Creativity, 33, 100067.
Segal, S., Mikulincer, M., Hershkovitz, L., Meir, Y., Nagar, T., & Maaravi, Y. (2023). A secure base for entrepreneurship: Attachment orientations and entrepreneurial Tendencies. Behavioral Sciences, 13(1), 61.
Heller, B., Amir, A., Waxman, R., & Maaravi, Y. (2023). Hack your organizational innovation: literature review and integrative model for running hackathons. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 12(1), 6.
Maaravi, Y., Levy, A., & Heller, B. (2023). To Bid or Not to Bid? That is the Question! First‐Versus Second‐Mover Advantage in Negotiations. Negotiation Journal, 39(3), 259-278.
Maaravi, Y., Hameiri, B., Gur, T., Heller, B., Confino, D., Amdor, H., & Levi, Y. (2023). Using Leading Questions to Reduce Resistance to Innovation. Journal of Creativity, 33(3), 100067.
Maaravi Y. (2015) You Deserve Better – how to excel in the negotiations of your life. (Textbook, in Hebrew), Kinneret-Zmora-Bitan